MiGHT (Michigan Genetic Hereditary Testing) Study

Reducing Cancer’s Impact through Genetic Testing

genetic pedigree hero image

What is MiGHT?

The MiGHT (Michigan Genetic Hereditary Testing) Study is a statewide effort to better identify and care for individuals and families with inherited risk of cancer.

We are testing ways to:

  1. Improve family history collection by healthcare providers
  2. Guide people through the process of genetic testing

What is genetic testing for inherited risk for cancer and why is it important?

Cancers are common. About 5 to 10% of cancers are caused by a hereditary genetic change that can be passed down from generation to generation. Genetic testing can provide information about whether you have an inherited increased risk for cancer, which can impact cancer treatment, inform screening and management plans, and help reduce the impact of future cancers on you and your family.

MiGHT for Patients

Check out this MiGHT patient story video and use our secure survey to document your family cancer history. You can visit our patients page to see more information.

MiGHT for Providers